Where to buy Elleebana
Did you know?
Elleebana does NOT sell direct from their warehouse
Elleebana USA Headquarters is located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.
The OFFICIAL Elleebana USA website
Elleebana HQ (Australia) is located in Burleigh Heads. Gold Coast AUSTRALIA.
The OFFICIAL Elleebana worldwide website
The Elleebana business model encompasses a distribution network offering the highest level of sales, training and salon support.
Elleebana supplies to over 60 countries worldwide and over 30 distributors with the United States of America.
Elleebana USA does NOT sell directly from their warehouse to salons or beauty professionals.
They utilize their network to bring sales, training and product support to salons, schools and beauty pros across the country.
Each distributor acts as an independent contractor for Elleebana, with a set of guidelines and standards to adhere to, keeping prices and policies uniform across the country.
What does set them apart is cost of shipping, and the quality of support and customer care.
Please look for the Authorized Distributor logo when purchasing Elleebana products online.
Thank you for choosing Panoply Beauty as your preferred Authorized Distributor for Elleebana in the USA.
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